How to Grow Your Business During and Post Lock-down?
Problems faced by Entrepreneurs, Business Owners Businesses are Slowdown or completely shutdown Operational Cost is unmanageable Office Rent Employee Salaries Infrastructure Cost Loans Depression/demotivation Uncertainty in Future Let us look at the businesses during the lockdown across the globe. This is retail sales volumes experienced in Great Britain. During April, 14.3% of all stores described having zero sales . The most unsurprisingly severely hit were department store and textile, clothing and footwear stores. Chart via the Office for National Statistics Effects of the Problems (long term and short term) Many Micro and Small scale businesses would shut down Loss of employment to many countrymen Poverty Ratio will increase Economy will fall down Proposed Solutions Raising funds for MSME segment by Government New lockdown with guidelines to operate businesses with precautions Allow MSME to open their stores, factories with limited staff New standards of living with Social Di...